eventos@levitatur.com.br +55 11 2090-1030 (24/7 emergency) +55 11 9 9154-1096‬

É necessário finalizar a compra atual para seguir com a compra da passagem aérea.

Travel agency for events

National and international congresses and events

  • 13º Simpósio Internacional de Câncer de Pulmão 2025

    02/21 to 02/22/2025
    InterContinental Sao Paulo, an IHG Hotel

  • 11° Simpósio Internacional Multidisciplinar de Ginecologia Oncológica

    03/28 to 03/29/2025
    Hotel Unique

  • 16° Congresso Internacional de Uro-Oncologia // 11° Simposio Multiprofissional de Uro-Oncologia 2025

    04/02 to 04/05/2025
    Sheraton São Paulo WTC Hotel

Most active categories

Full events list Oncology Gynecology Enviroment Urology Anesthesiology Other National Events
Plan your trip

Flight tickets

Asa de avião com céu azul e nuvens brancas ao fundo

For flight ticket enquiries, please contact us on +55 11 2090-1030 or send an e-mail message to eventos@levitatur.com.br.

Tailor-made services

Corporate travel

We aim at providing state-of-the-art technology, training our staff and continuously optimizing processes and services, so as to guarantee the company's and it's coworker's satisfaction.

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Something about us

Meet Levitatur

Our mission

Satisfy our customers through outstanding quality of our services for event, leisure and corporate travel, based on a management model that focuses on transparency and respect for our customers and co-workers.

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Service rating

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Help us improve our services by answering a short survey.

Your praise
is worth
R$ 30,00

Your suggestion
is worth
R$ 30,00

Your criticism
is worth
R$ 50,00

We will donate the informed values to CACAU NGO for each answered survey.